Can Men Wear Claddagh Rings?

Are you thinking about purchasing mens Claddagh rings and whether there is any? There are many models of Claddagh rings that come in different designs, so yes, you can buy men’s Claddagh rings. Keep reading to find out the symbolization of this ring and how to wear it. We will also cover some recommendations on how to choose the style that suits you.
What Is Actually A Claddagh Ring And What Does It Mean?
A Claddagh Ring is a traditional Irish ring. It is pronounced “Clah-dah.” It consists of two hands which are holding a heart under a lovely crown. The Claddagh design originates from the 17th century, the West of Ireland. The name comes from the Irish language, more specifically Gaelic. Galic used Cladah as a term for the seashore.
There are different elements that this design features: hands, heart, and crown. Each of them comes with a specific meaning. The hands are in charge of representing friendship, the heart symbolizes love, and the crown refers to loyalty. Claddagh is a true commitment symbol of love for both women and men. If you, as a man, choose to wear this ring, then you are wearing a history.
Who Wear These Rings?
Today, you can see men and women wear Claddagh Rings. Whether for personal, familial, or romantic reasons, this ring signifies appreciation of Irish heritage. You can see some Irish Men through Hollywood wearing a Claddagh ring. A Claddagh Ring is the most popular choice when it comes to Men’s Wedding Ring, but it can also be used as a promise ring or engagement ring.
How To Wear Claddagh?
What makes this ring remarkable is the variety of its uses. While the way you wear this ring is your choice, there are several ways to wear it in order to send a special message, read more about this on the Gemiani site.
What To Take Into Consideration When Choosing A Claddagh Ring?
When choosing, bear in mind your style. Also, if you are more of a person who likes traditional models, choose one from this group, and if you prefer something more modern, you can choose models to which certain elements have been added/changed and contains precious stones.
Final Words
If you are looking for something that will let others know that you are a man who respects the greatest human values, then this ring is undoubtedly the perfect choice. So much inspirational is written in it, that its meaning has to arouse warm feelings in the heart.